August Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes of the meeting of 5th of August 2014

The meeting was called to order by President Sarah Huechteman on time.

Visitors and members were in attendance.  Four new members joined this evening.

Committee Reports
Welcomed and performed introductions of guests.
Advised that last month’s minutes have been posted on the website.

Treasury report will be posted on the blog soon. Treasury report was given by Sherry. 

Community service and charity blocks were collected.  Advised group of the criteria of charity blocks.  For every 5 brought in, your name goes in a drawing for a prize.

Charity sewing days will be Sunday sept 7 from 1 pm to 6 pm as well as Nov 2nd from 1 pm to 6 pm. Tips were given on how to produce charity blocks quickly and easily.  Asked for yardage donation for backing and background. Any quilt shop quality fabric and any style accepted.  Finished block size should be an even number.  Drawing for the charity prize occurred. Sara Macha won.

New Business
Program:  WIPS were presented and shown and then donated to charity.

Name tag challenge reveal occurred.  Any new name tag brought in the future will earn an extra door prize ticket as well.

Community service signup sheet for is available.

Signup still available for bees.  We currently have 2 small bees and 2 large bees.

Ellyn presented next month’s challenge.  Paint swatch challenge.  Each person picked 3 swatches from a bag and will need to make a sewing project in the combination of the 3 colors.  Voting will occur with everyone’s favorite project.

Modern Quilt Guild winning quilts were shown.

Fun sewing day for the guild. Sunday October 5 and December 7 1 pm – 6 pm at Stitched with Love.  Sit and sew whatever you want and stay however long or short you want to stay.  Signup sheet available.

Quiltcon challenges were discussed.  You must sign up yourself on the website.  Panasonic Bias Tape Applique Challenge and Cotton Couture Challenge.

Birthday certificates were distributed.

Show and Tell occurred.

Door Prize raffle occurred.

Next Meeting at 6:30 on Sept 2nd.

Meeting was adjourned timely.

Things to bring to September’s Meeting:
·      Your Paint Swatch Challenge Piece

·      Any fabric to be donated to community service

·      Community Service blocks  

Items, Blogs, and other interesting items mentioned:
·      Art Gallery Website
·      Moda Bakeshop
·      Plano Quilt Show is August 15th and 16th