T-Shirt Design Challenge
In an effort to help "advertise" our guild to others, members have requested a t-shirt with the guild info on it. We will be doing a screen printed t-shirt with one or two colors for the print. We will also choose a V-neck shirt in a bright color (turquoise, lime green, etc). Your challenge is to submit a design that you would like to see on the shirt - front or back. It can include our logo or not. Another idea was to have our hashtag #mckmqg on it it too. Designs should be submitted to Sarah Huechteman at sarah.huechteman@yahoo.com. More than one design can be submitted by any member. An anonymous vote will be taken by the membership at the November 4 meeting. So get your creative juices flowing! Questions?? Email Sarah :)
Mini Quilt Challenge
The QuiltCon organizers have requested that all Texas Modern Quilt Guilds participate in an information booth to give people attending QuiltCon information about a Texas guild that is in their area. We will be submitting an informational flyer to them to hand out. They would also like each of the Texas guild's to submit a mini quilt that will be given away to a lucky winner. Attendees will be given a ticket to put in a drawing for one of the seven quilts that will be on display.
So...the challenge to you is this...make a mini quilt that is 18" x 24" and uses the QuiltCon Challenge Colors. An anonymous vote will be taken by the membership at the December 2 meeting. You must use the colors that are listed below...you may choose to use all or just a few. Keep in mind the things that help identify modern quilts - high contrast, improvisational piecing, minimalism, negative space and alternate gridwork.
Below are the solid colors that should be used. We have listed three manufacturers and the fabric names. Just an FYI...Stitched with Love has ordered the Bella Solids and have them already bundle in FQ's for you!
So, it's up to you. Get our your design tools and get to sewing! Can't wait to see what you create!
Any questions, contact Sarah at sarah.huechteman@yahoo.com