January 2017 Meeting Minutes

Call to Order   

Our January meeting was called to order at 6:34 by our President, Stephanie Schroer.   

Committee Reports    

Our committee reports are posted online monthly, saving meeting time for the fun stuff!

Membership: 41 members present with 5 guests

Treasurer: Pending validation by our new treasurer, Kelleigh Sedate.  Kelleigh is overhauling our financial record keeping and reporting.  Annual dues have been paid to National MQG.  

Secretary: December minutes are published to the blog.   

Events - Community Service, Challenges, Swaps, Retreats, and Bees

- Community Service: Our QuiltCon charity quilt challenge team includes Dusty, Kelly, Alice, Martha F, Paula, & Stephanie.  The quilt continues to move along!  The team has been working hard, including a sew day hosted by Stephanie last month.  The deadline for quilting & shipping is the first of the year to be included in QuiltCon 2017.  Joining the team is BettePat, who has agreed to longarm quilt this for us!

- Modern Mystery BOM Challenge: We are at the end of our Modern Mystery Block of the Month challenge, created by Alice & Catherine Dutton.  Our goal as a modern guild is to create together and continue to learn more about modern quilting techniques -- this should have helped expand your arsenal of quilting skills and modern theory!  Continue to work on your settings and finishes! Tag your creations on social media with #modernmysterybom and #mckmqg.

- Retreat: Retreat in a few days will be held at Sunset Retreat Center.  All payments should be in!  You can arrive at 10am this Thursday or show up any time on your designated day.  There is no lunch on Thursday so make a plan.  If you are running late and/or will miss dinner on Thursday, please let Alice know.  All other meals are included including a 10am brunch on Sunday.  Checkout is at 1 on Sunday.  We will have a pincushion swap and bring 4 modern fat quarters for a swap!
- Bee keeping: MCKMQG 2017 Bee Season has begun.  Christina Lee is our new QHBIC (Queen Head Bee in Charge) and gave us an update as to what quilt bee's are (think block swap).  MCKMQG is offering 3 new ways to participate with differing levels of time commitment - low key bees, social bees, and extreme bees.  Remember you are making a commitment to make blocks!  Please promise to make every effort to complete blocks on time and have your month supplies prepared (including pattern use permission & a test block completed for time).  If you can't - communicate!  Sign-ups will be sent to membership via e-mail as well as passed around at the January meeting.
- Sunday Sit & Sew - New for this spring, we will have sew-days at Not Your Mama's Quilt Store!  Sign-ups will be passed around at guild meeting.  
- Challenge: Next month we will have a challenge.  Bring a modern FQ - low volume print or another print.  Details will be revealed in February.


- We now have a set-up and tear-down sign-up for individual meetings!  It's a great way to contribute to the guild and socialize without much responsibility.  See the sign-up form to volunteer.  If there's another way you'd like to be involved, there's space for you to enter your ideas as well!   

- Stitched with Love has been very gracious to help out guild members with block/swap drop-offs.  They have now created a bin for us to use in the back room.  It is clearly labeled as our "guild box" and is there if necessary - please try to make contact with your fellow guild members & arrange meet-ups to swap items.  

- Our By-Laws and Rules and Regulations need to be updated.  Our president called for volunteers for a by-law committee.  Sarah H volunteered to be committee chairperson.  Rachel Reid, Christina Lee, and Sterrett
-Stephanie called for a library volunteer.  We have approximately 30 books that are inbound from a publisher full of modern quilting books.  A librarian is needed to develop a storage, organization, and lending system for our pending library.  Please see any board member to volunteer.

-In January we discussed scraps - what defines a scrap, how do you organize them, how do you cut them?  We had great round table/group discussions.

-February will bring us Jessica Darling.  She owns a quilt shop in Corpus Christi and is a Villa Rossa pattern designer.   

End of Meeting Fun  

Show & Tell was held.  

Three birthday certificates were handed out.  

Door prizes were drawn - 4 prizes won!  

Stitched with Love revealed this month's discount (in celebration of 4th birthday, have a cupcake and buy 3, get the 4th free!).     

Next Meeting

Join us for our next meeting!  February 7 @ 6:30, 6:00 social hour.